SEO is not a Band Aid — Bruce Clay

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Bruce Clay

Bruce Clay is the man who founded an SEO company before even Google did. And today, he is the founder and president of his US-based eponymous company, Bruce Clay, Inc., that has offices across the world. In a chat with Brand Equity, Clay speaks of how SEO has a come a long way, what happens when companies try and 'cheat Google' and where India stands on the SEO and digital maketing scale vis-a-vis the world.


First off, you entered the realm of SEO and digital marketing when it was at a really nascent stage. What was it like back then and how is it now?

I started in this discipline over 20 years ago. In fact, my company is three years older than Google. Today, people don't seem to remember how simplistic SEO used to be. It was about putting words to get a rank. Today, there are about 200 variables in the Google algorithm, with each variable being influenced by a keyword. If I say 'shoes', I might be clearly looking for a shopping site more than information on shoes. But if I key in 'weather' I'm definitely not shopping for the weather. Users' queries change intent and thus the algorithm changes for the keyword. There are infinite such algorithms in place today, signifying the first and the most important change.

 Added to this are changes based on platforms. Back then it was just the desktop, and today it is the desktop plus mobile. SEO in the desktop era was easy, as opposed to an infinite number of algorithms that are required across multiple platforms now. Usability and engagement are always more important than tech content. One has to provide an answer in a way user likes. The correct formatting for mobile server capacity, the right training and knowledge are some of the key factors to get SEO right.

India is a country where digital marketing is definitely in a better space than some of the past few years, but it is still something you allocate funds to either as an afterthought or cautiously. What would you have to say about this to Indian marketers?

Before I get to India, I must first touch upon the worldwide scenario. Back in the day, people used to find opportunities to make cash on internet, whether it was via spam or chat. There used to be only a near-term attitude towards building websites. They had no problem 'cheating': buying backlinks or by spamming, and if Google caught them, they would simply just buy another site. But times have changed. Now Google has become so good, it can remove sites as fast as one builds it. So I'd say on a worldwide basis, website owners have shifted from a short term outlook revolving around making money to a more long term investment.

When it comes to India, I see that a lot of companies are still taking short cuts and doing everything that is easy. But the way things are going, digital marketing will have to change too; companies will have to 'go good' in order to survive.

What is the biggest shift you see in SEO and digital marketing?

Exactly everything I mentioned above. This need to 'go good' is the direction companies will be taking. Add to that, companies will have to look at website usability as a core function, in addition to UX, website performance and formatting.

Another shift I expect is website owners will stop finding it okay to spam. Currently, they are posting comments in blog posts and buying links, too. But I expect an evolution here in India, too. SEOs will fight to do it right and stop taking short cuts. In India, the Bruce Clay office brings clients more research, deeper thought processes, investments in following what search engines are doing. We treat SEO as less of a commodity. 

India has partial solutions now. And our approach is to never cheat, and focus on high quality consulting. I'd say in general a number of firms are going in the right direction; however, a lot are still employing out of date tactics. The focus needs to be on training methodology and knowledge. India still has a long way to go; Google will definitely make many more big changes and the country will see more players.

What should a brand or a company do if they were to immediately right their wrongs?

One needs to understand is that it difficult to improve quality by not changing the quality. If one is buying links and doing comments on other websites it is difficult to change this. Another thing companies must remember is that SEO starts at home. People think they would like to change their SEO strategy without touching the current website. How is that possible?

The most important thing to remember is that Google does not like short cuts.

And the rule is 'if it's inexpensive and easy to do, it is worthless'. Think about what you want, before you start. Everyone wants the number 1 keyword that will change their lives. Why should it be cheap?

Google makes no money on organic search. You get free traffic via its free listings. Why would they put you in the results if you cheat them? It has four parameters for companies: Expertness, authority, trust and maintenance. If a website owner has a penalty, Google takes away all its trust. It may take about two years to earn it back. If they find you cheating, they put companies out of business by taking them out of the index. We believe that the best way to get SEO organic traffic is to earn it. It works in no one's favour to be on Google's bad side.

Do you believe SEO is becoming slightly less relevant in social media considering how Facebook, Twitter, etc are bringing content to viewers?

I'd say each is becoming more relevant. Facebook and Twitter are large companies, all operating much like Google. They have to behave in a similar way for eyeballs. It is an issue to some degree: how social media and search properties deal with each other, and how users do it.

Not too long ago, a user manually research a product on 10 different websites before making a purchase. Now, the same user goes to social media, gets recommendations, makes up his mind and the actual transaction of buying the product occurs on Google. Social media behaves like an advertising channel in such cases. Google requires users to initiate a search. In social media, the search ads follow me. It doesn't matter where you're advertising.

I do expect the focus of people doing search to move on to quality; SEO is heart of a marketing strategy, not a band aid. One must learn to consider it as an investment. The cheaper you want it, the cheaper SEO you get. Don't be surprised if you get a penalty.

As an offshoot of the previous question, do you believe there are certain kinds of brands/ products/ services that SEO is indispensable for, vis a vis social media

SEO done correctly is about improving web experience. It has to do with quality, speed and is indispensable. SEO is far more imp for a brand over anything else. No matter who you are, you need a superior web experience.

There used to be a time when SEO as an expertise was well-recognised, and something only specialised agencies offered. Since then there has been a rapid proliferation in the number of these agencies do you think the discipline has been impacted?

Personally, our focus is on having quality, training, methodology and repeatable results for our clients. Agencies have taken too many short cuts to a great extent. There was a period when they were convincing people that SEO was about buying links. Most of this so-called growth occurred when there was a hold in the algorithm and people could cheat the system.

I'm expecting a lot of this to go away next year. Google has been facing cheating forever and are making changes to stop that. SEO agencies that sprung up over last few years will not be effective and will go away. And then there are some who say SEO is dead and switch to social media. Those people don't know how to do it, that's all.

I think SEO is great and usability is important to Google, as is social media and pay-per-click. None is more or less important. Those of us who do it right will survive.

Article from Mukta Lad of Brandequity

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