SEO Beginnings and How It Started

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Here's another SEO basics for those who are looking to get acquainted in the field.

A lot of you are probably heard what SEO is, but don't have an idea what it really does, except that it has something to do with Google. Well look no further. Read on and we'll give you everything you need for you to understand what SEO is about.

The History of SEO

Back in 1996, two PhD students named Larry Page and Sergey Brin started a research project onhow search engines can better provide relevant results by determining the number of pages, and the importance of those pages that linked back to the original site. This technology they developed is now as we know it called "Page Rank". On the other hand, the search engine they developed was early on called "BackRub", due to the systems way of analysing backlinks. BackRub was later renamed to the Google.

Search engines were nothing new at that time. In fact, the first one was Archie created in 1990, and a few more was created most notable of which is Yahoo!

As Search engines started getting used more and more, website owners were now thinking of ways to make their website appear on the search results. And thus, the practice of Search Engine Optimization was born.

So on hindsight, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website in a search engine's "natural" or "organic" search results.

Where Can You Find SEO at Work?

As you can see in this modern search engine results page, there are two different types of results. The first part in RED are paid ads; they're located at the top, and at the bottom. The recent updates took out the ads on the side.

Below the top ads boxed in GREEN are the natural, or organic search results. These are the results seen by Google to be the most relevant, trustworthy, and authoritative websites out of the search term used.

As you can see, even images are being ranked by Google.

Continue Reading: The Importance of SEO